Friday, December 19, 2014

Christmas Decor

Craig won the fake or real Christmas tree battle, and the result is a lovely hand-me-down fake tree.  Isn't it absolutely beautiful?!  Craig thinks so too. :)  It came with 350 colored lights so those were swapped out for 600 white lights.  Much better.

Lori and the girls are now INSISTING on a real one next year, but Craig is hoping they'll forget.

This year's Jesse sticks …er, I mean, tree.

Sunday, December 14, 2014

Christmas Prep

Meg created a special nook where she could do crafts and Christmas present prep in privacy.  Good idea.

Saturday, December 13, 2014

Christmas Cards

Totally appreciated the help from the kiddos, and they were thankful for the pull-n-seal envelopes.