Sunday, July 18, 2010

To the Countryside

We rented a bus and driver to take us on a day trip out of town to see some of the local sights. Unfortunately, it rained until the very end of our day. Here are some shots of the countryside.
Buddhist prayer flags covered the hillside.
The opportunity couldn't be passed to ride these beasts. Lia is riding her first yak by herself - at age 8 - we're so proud. This particular yak looks thrilled to have a big red bow on its head.
I'm not too familiar with the peculiarities of the yak, but I'm willing to bet that this protruding tongue indicates a yak 'goofy face.'
Apparently no one got a shot of Val and I on our yak. I'm not bitter at all for missing out on preserving this very significant lifetime event. Not at all.

Monday, July 5, 2010

An Evening Out

In another part of town, we went out for a nice dinner with friends. The restaurant was close to a fancy apartment complex with a bunch of water features. The girls loved running around exploring. I had to interrupt their adventures with a few photos.