Friday, October 25, 2013

Visiting Dad's Office

The girls visited me at Lake Hart - the campus name of Cru's world headquarters.

Saturday, October 19, 2013

Butterflies & Friends

Val and Meg joined others at a friend's birthday party - at a butterfly pavilion.  I didn't attend, but I heard they laughed and squealed a lot.

Sunday, October 6, 2013

Lia's Baptism

Lia had been asking about being baptized for over a year, and we had multiple discussions about it.  Her heart and motivations were right on so when an opportunity came up at our church, Lia took it.

At the church picnic with the pastor, Lia began her baptism by sharing her story of how she came to place her faith in Christ many years ago.  It was excellent to hear her express how God had worked and continues to shape her life.

Lia immediately agreed to my request to be the one to baptize her (discussed a few days prior).  I wasn't planning on saying anything at her baptism, but I couldn't not say a few words about how proud we are of her and so thankful for God's clear work in her life.

I gave reference to those before Lia who are witnesses to this public proclamation of her faith, and she gave a big grin to her friends.  Cute.

Then the dunking commenced ...

We love you, Lia!!!

Friday, October 4, 2013

Soccer Game

The team ...

Warm-up ...

Listening to the pre-game referee speech ...

Our two forwards waiting to start with the kick-off ...

Posing ...