Sunday, April 19, 2009

Local Beer Truck

I simply couldn't pass up this photo opportunity.

Thursday, April 16, 2009

Short Getaway

Recently, we took a short getaway to another city. The girls were so incredibly excited - why? - because we had to take a train to get there. While on the train, the locals have a special and specific custom - rest. It doesn't matter what time of day it is; put your head down wherever you can and close your eyes. Lia, Meg & Val have a different custom on the train - sing, laugh, play. Not sure if the locals were annoyed or just curious, but they sure did stare at us a bunch.

Trees were blooming everwhere - like this one.
Pop quiz : The men under this tree are:
a) collecting flower petals as they fall.
b) looking down a manhole.
c) making dumplings.

d) gambling with their wives' money.
e) watching a caterpillar race.
(Answer below)

We found a park/garden area with beautiful blooming lilacs and other fragrant flowers. It was so nice to walk around and take in the aroma. This was quite the contrast to the rather funky smells one can come across here. So we spent a good chunk of time here and took some pictures.
While trying to get a picture of our three girls, we noticed three other local girls lined up similarly a short distance away from ours. Then the three locals began to slide sideways until they were right behind our three girls. Our girls were a bit confused as to what was happening, but it was definitely a funny sight.
Pictures with more strangers. We have GOT to start charging for these - a great opportunity to save for college.
As we walked along, we could here locals saying "oh, such beautiful girls" and "look! twins! so cute!" Not sure if our girls are understanding them, but I hope not - lest their heads get too big. I can imagine us back in the States and the girls thinking, "Hey! Why isn't anyone complimenting me? Don't these people realize I'm special and cute?!"

I just like Meg's raised eyebrow curious expression here.
We heard rumors. We inquired. We investigated. We explored. Then we found it.
Yes, it's true - an indoor waterpark.
A pretty impressive one at that.
Besides us, there were only about 20 other people there. It had opened the day before we got there. Sweet! Here are some shots of the action. The girls were besides themselves with joy. And that night, they slept like rocks.
After enjoying "Hawa i Water World," another most favorite activity was enjoyed - swings. And it's a great way to dry hair. And please note the rather large rollercoaster tracks in the background. Safety is taken quite seriously here - clearly, no one is getting over that fence!
I didn't get direct confirmation, but my best guess is D.

Sunday, April 5, 2009

Special Trip to the Coast

Val & Meg had some medical concerns (they're okay but we're keeping an eye on them) so Lori and the twins went to a larger city for further testing. It was a tough decision to send them, but we're glad we did it. They had some doctor's appointments - Lori describes one of them as "probably the nicest doctor's office I've ever been in." Being back here, that was very good to hear.

But aesthetics didn't matter to Val and Meg - it was still a doctor's office, and they had some moments of getting upset about that. They pulled through well ... and a promise to take a trip to a nearby Toys R Us certainly helped. So between doctor's appointments, Lori, Val & Meg took in some sights and explored a bit.

Meanwhile, Lia and I made some memories together including painting some frames, getting pictures enlarged and mounting them on the dining room wall. A bit of a surprise for Lori.

While away, the three adventurists took a ferry ride.
Wandered the bay.
Found a strange shop that sold mysterious things in jars. [And I like the cat perched up on that big mushroom looking thing.]
Ate at Subway. [Lucky!]
Found a sweet park which included an aviary. Here's one local friend.
And had many photo opps.