Monday, July 28, 2014

July Palatine Trip

It was great to catch up with family in Chicagoland.

Meg and Grammy

Puzzle with Papa

Lia with Grammy

Awesome set of cornole that we borrowed from a neighbor.

Wednesday, July 23, 2014

Indy Children's Museum

When Lori's sister and her daughter visited us from Nebraska, going to the Indy Children's Museum was a must.

We've been to a Chihuly (blown glass art) museum in the past.  We're fans.

We're familiar with the terra cotta soldiers which we affectionately call "the dirt dolls."

Thursday, July 17, 2014


When I was a kid, I was fascinated by insects.  I still am.

This male widow skimmer remained on the hydrangea branch for a good chunk of time for me.

Monday, July 14, 2014


When we lived in East Asia, the girls really took to in-line skating and got pretty skilled dodging people and cars in our apartment complex.

So they were thrilled to refresh their skills here in Indiana.

Friday, July 4, 2014

Great Blue Heron

We had a fun Independence Day nature surprise.

We live next to a retention pond, and in some tall grass next to the pond, a 3-foot tall great blue heron stood motionless.  In a blink, its head and neck snapped into the water.  It came out with its prize -- a good-sized fish.

I spooked him by getting too close so he flew with fish in grip to the other side of the pond.  Can you guess where the fish is now?