Sunday, March 31, 2013

Egg Hunt 2013

This year, over 30 expat and local kids participated in our Easter egg hunt.  In addition, a few of the kids' parents and grandparents.  The kids were very cute ... but watching a handful of grandmas giggle and run around was just plain hilarious.

Here's our first group of seekers.

An egg was spotted on a window sill ... and the boys versus girls race was on.

Meg blocks while Val and Nana begin their effort to retrieve it.

Uh-oh.  A boy comes in from the side like Spiderman.

And nabs it!

Putting them back in the boxes to be counted and for the next round of fun.


Tuesday, March 26, 2013

Looking Like Spring

Our kitchen "art board" is looking like spring!  Good job, girls!
[Made with chalk and paint]

Sunday, March 24, 2013

Easter Preparations

Our family and some friends spent an afternoon decorating over 180 eggs.  Last year, we had 90 eggs for our apartment complex egg hunt.  This year we figured we'd double it.

Meg's "Patriotic Chicken" and its corresponding egg.  I like it.

Our lenten 'tree' is complete as well.  This was a great way to prepare our hearts to celebrate our risen Savior.

Sunday, March 17, 2013

Dad's Birthday

A local friend MADE this lamp for me for my birthday.  Is it awesome, or what?!  Very impressive.

In the morning, a bunch of cards were waiting for me.

A favorite gift was a box of Cheerios - no joke.  Our local import store recently got the real deal Cheerios.  Not cheap.

Lori made some fabulous cream cheese frosted cinnamon rolls.

The cards.

Lia's excellent and sweet poem.

We went to the international fellowship in the afternoon, and then we had dinner with a host of friends.  I had a nice birthday!


Saturday, March 9, 2013

First Two Bags

Some friends were returning to the States and agreed to take a couple bags for us.  So very nice!  I suppose this marks the official beginning to the move back to the States!
[I know you may be a little jealous of the purple bags.  Stylish.  Hope they don't get swiped just because of their groovy color.  We've had that one on the right since 1999.  It's tough.  We affectionately call it the 'Barney bag' and believe it's made of a space-age carbon polymer blend thread that's flexible and can stop bullets.  Just a guess though.]

Friday, March 8, 2013

Middle Eastern Breakfast

Lori and the girls made an Iranian breakfast ... or was it Iraqi?  Either way, they had a good time making it.  But not such a good time eating eat.  It wasn't too tasty.