Friday, November 25, 2011


We're continuing our tradition of decorating for Christmas the day after Thanksgiving. (No Black Friday on this corner of the globe.)

Hmm, I know I put the Christmas tree down here ... but where?

Thursday, November 24, 2011


We had a ton of people at our place to celebrate Thanksgiving, but for some reason the only pictures we took involved the turkey. And I was equally shocked to see that I was in most of them as I am often the one behind the camera. Mark and I were the carving duo.

Thursday, November 10, 2011


This duck lives opposite us on the first floor; our girls quickly named him Dan the Duck. Dan's owners often let him wander our apartment complex, but Dan never goes far.

After the above picture was taken by the girls, Meg returned home and drew this picture of Dan from memory. Not bad at all.