Tuesday, September 27, 2011

Sweet Accessory

On the way to pick up dinner, Lia and I spotted this beauty. Check out those eyelashes!

You can't see them in the picture, but inside were two young women waving at us with big grins.

Saturday, September 24, 2011

Ice Cream, Lieutenant Dan, Ice Cream!

Our city has its first - and only - ice cream shop!

Some favorite flavors ...

In the back, the girls watch some ice cream prep.

Saturday, September 10, 2011

Cookie & Scuffles

Much to the infinite joy of Lia, Val and Meg, we recently got them two dwarf hamsters for pets. They're named Cookie and Scuffles. We bought them from an English family who has a daughter who hand-tames them. If they're hand-tamed, they're accustomed to being handled and are much less likely to bite - definitely a good thing.

We keep them separated as they will very likely kill each other to express their dominance. As such, it's not surprising that they're males. We wanted to avoid any reproduction since they have a gestation period of just 18 days. Really. Cookie and Scuffles are a part of their mother's fourth litter ... since April.

For glamorized rodents, they are pretty cute.