Friday, March 18, 2011

Repairing Jeans

Meg and I needed to get some holes in our jeans repaired. Lori would have preferred that mine go in the trash, but I think they definitely have some life in them.

Across the street next to the market, there's a shop with this tailoring dynamic duo. They're really, really kind. Here they are in action.

A millisecond before I took the below picture, they both were smiling. I asked them why they stopped smiling. Their response - because it would not make a good picture.

And here's the final result. Looks pretty good. [Sidenote: My jeans had previously frequented this little shop.]

Wednesday, March 9, 2011

Burn Baby Burn

Hey everyone! Close your windows and grab your rakes, long poles, and lighters ... it's time to burn the apartment complex grass!

PS - You might want to think twice about trying this is your own yard; the local homeowners association may pay you a not-so-friendly visit.

Saturday, March 5, 2011

Shrek Party

A young kiwi friend invited the girls to his Shrek-themed birthday party - and the invitation requested guests to dress up for the occasion. Lia had only seen part of the movie while Meg and Val were not Shrek-informed. So a quick stroll on the internet was necessary to bring everyone onto the same Shrek-page. But what to dress up as? A green ogre? No. A black-booted cat? Nope. A donkey? Uh, no. Three blind mice? YES!!!

The below costumes were fashioned by the girl's ever so artistic, creative and determined father. Not bad. Not bad at all.