Monday, March 29, 2010

March Snow

As the Friday afternoon soccer practice ended, small snowflakes began to drop. Ten minutes later, as we walked to get a taxi, it became a full blown blizzard - huge flakes, big winds, limited visibility. As our family waited for a ride home, we didn't know whether to laugh with delight at the snow or grumble with frustration at the lack of taxis. We walked further on down the street and after jumping into the street and waving my arms frantically, an empty taxi pulled over. Phew.

Back at home, we were able to more fully enjoy the beauty of the snow.

What better way to add to the mood than homemade pizza. Yeah, it's good.

The next morning, Megan emphatically asked me to go outside and take some pictures. Being the good Dad that I am, I happily obliged. That afternoon, the girls got ridiculously dirty making a snow fort in front of our apartment. So fun.

Thursday, March 25, 2010

Power Trip

From Tuesday to Thursday of this week, our apartment complex was without power. No electricity means no heat and no hot water. Hmph. I was prepared though. The last time this happened, I went out to buy a couple battery-powered lanterns. So I got out the new, never-before used lanterns only to find that both of them don't work. Yet again, the bars on our windows prevented me from hurling them out the window.

So we got out a bunch of candles. And the girls weren't pleased to have to go to sleep without their night light and their noise machine. It was a bit rough, but they ended up pulling through.

The culprit for this power outage is pictured below. Here is our neighbor showing her true feelings for the broken item.

And here are our new best friends just after installing a new one. It works! Hooray!

Tuesday, March 2, 2010


As a surprise for our girls, a local friend brought these over for them. Very kind and very cute. They were overjoyed to receive these fun cakes and have them for dessert. They wanted multiple pictures taken in various poses with their tasty treats. Below are just three of them.

As they dug in, they quickly realized that cakes here are a bit different than ones in the States. They didn't finish them, but their steadfast new love would not let them part with them as yet. So they sat in the cupboard ... for more than three weeks. Finally, they gave the nod to send them to the trash.

This episode is more evidence of the sentimental nature they've inherited from their Grammy.